


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research: Do the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina trust the media?

The media is an extremely important segment of democracy and the functioning of any country without professional and responsible mass media is unthinkable. The media...



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kantar enters the audience measurement market in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

SEE Media Research, founded six months ago in Banja Luka, is entering the TV audience measurement market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after changes in...


Bosnia and Herzegovina

TNT Group: Three decades of innovation in the media and advertising...

It has been 27 years since TNT Group started its mission of shaping the media landscape of the Balkans. From humble beginnings with a local radio...


Al Jazeera Balkans, Nova TV, B92, Tarik Đođić, Goran Milić, Ivica Todorić, Dario Juričan, N1, BBC radio, Euronews, Newsmax, Edhem Fočo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

We didn’t want a sensation and we didn’t have to be...

Today is exactly ten years since Al Jazeera Balkans started broadcasting. It seems to me that the media scene in the region (which is an easier...



Coronavirus threatens to destroy media

Television and streaming channels have record ratings, same as night and day scrolling on news portals. Radio news is also being listened to, together with newspapers where available. When it...

Politics and media


Nes radio, Nezavisne novine, Radio Slobomir Nes,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nes radio extended its reach

Nes radio from Banja Luka recently celebrated 27 years of business, and on that occasion, it expanded its reach to some new areas. The radio...



MUX D, DASTO-SEMTEL, DVB-T2 signal coverage, Bosnia DVB-T2 signal coverage,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

MUX D reached 90% coverage

The company DASTO-SEMTEL, holder of the license for the use of radio frequency spectrum for the provision of electronic communication network management services in digital...



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hayat is launching two new TV channels, and has new visuals...

Hayat TV from Sarajevo, after celebrating 32 years of program broadcasting, announced new changes in its portfolio of TV channels. The existing four cable channels were refreshed...



Happy holidays and a happy New Year 2024.

Dear readers and partners! Thank you very much for your wonderful cooperation and support during 2023, and we hope that 2024 will be even more...


Vedran Stapić; As a society, we will not be able to progress as long as our journalism is at today’s levels

Vedran Stapić, Agroklub, DANH, ENAJ, agricultural portal, agriculture, agricultural journalism,
Vedran Stapić never stands still. One of the founders of the Osijek Agroklub, which we can by no means...

Pavel Stantchev; Planet TV is not our last investment!

TV Pink, Happy TV, B92,TV Prva, Tanjug, N1, Nova S, Happy, Pink, Vesti, Prva TV, B92 , Kopernikus, Una, K1, Tanjug, TV2, BK, Kurir, TV 2 Media Group, TV 2 RS Broadcasting, Planet TV, Pavel Stantchev, Špela Pirnat
Pavel Stantchev is the executive director of the largest Hungarian TV group TV2, and recently in the same position...



New improvements on SUM TV

The Management of the University of Mostar, headed by prof. dr. Zoran Tomić decided upon the strong and accelerated development...

SUM TV starts on RTV Herceg Bosna

Recording of shows for elementary schools has started through the SUMIT and SUM TV systems in the television studio of the University...


Bosnia and Herzegovina

BH Telecom’s revenues increased

A press conference was held in the premises of BH Telecom where the financial operations of BH Telecom in 2023 and operations in the...

A nation without reliable news is, sooner or later, a nation without a foundation of freedom!

Harold (Joseph) Lasky (1893–1950), English political theorist and economist.

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