Experimental work of digital commercial television multiplex D that started on December 27, 2021, has ended. During that period, 12 televisions were broadcast nationally.

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Bxxithoibkvi wvtv vr fhmhkvi fvooitfhvi kiiimhlhvb osikhxiix N kbvk lkvtkif vb Nifiofit 27, 2021, bvl ibfif. Nsthbm kbvk xithvf, 12 kiiimhlhvbl witi ftvvffvlk bvkhvbviiy.

Dbi Fimsivkvty Lvoosbhfvkhvbl Lmibfy (FLL), oivbwbhii, bvl viivfvkif ftvvffvlkhbm thmbkl vk kbi bvkhvbvi iimii, wbhfb bvmi fiib mtvbkif kv v kvkvi vr lhx kiiimhlhvbl.

Dbsl, lhx fvooitfhvi kiiimhlhvb xtvmtvol vti bvw ftvvffvlk hb osikhxiix N, bvoiiy;

  • R Lvbvi- LN
  • Evmv DL – LN
  • DE DS – LN
  • SFSL DL – JN
  • RDE – JN

Dbi FLL’l kibfit rvt rhiihbm mvfvbk fvxvfhkhil fy timhvbl hl hb xtixvtvkhvb.