There are more than 200 television stations, about 1,000 radio stations, hundreds of print media, and a large number of Internet portals throughout the region of Southeast Europe.

Media desk is the first and only agency in Adriatic region specializing in mediation services between interested individuals, companies, and investors, who want to invest their money in the media and sellers (owners) of these media who are interested in selling their media or recapitalizing it for further expansion.

With a professional approach and high discretion, the Media desk approaches every client, regardless of whether he is a buyer or a seller, and we objectively assess the current position of the media in the market, working equally for the benefit of all stakeholders.

To sellers of electronic media (radio, TV, web portals, print) Media desk offers a realistic assessment of the value of their media in the market and we contact potential buyers and actively participate in negotiations about the sale or recapitalization.

For customers and investors in electronic media, the Media desk analyzes the position of a particular media in the market, its potential and growth and/or targeted negotiations with the media for which the customer has shown interest with full discretion to the media owner, whether in our offer or not.

Media desk analyzes the entire process of buying or selling through business, legal and financial documentation with the engagement of experts for the in-depth recording of the company’s / media business. In case you want to do it yourself using your resources, we only get in touch for your account and connect the potential buyer and seller.

The Media desk is at your service if you also want to find a strategic partner with a minority, equal, or majority share in your media with whom you want to achieve further growth and development.

During the engagement, we sign a confidentiality agreement. Our remuneration for work and engagement consists of a lump sum that is paid upon signing a contract to cover the fixed costs of our work and a reward (commission) for successfully completed work ranging from 2 to 5% of the achieved and paid price.

For all details, contact the Media desk via e-mail if you are selling or looking for a strategic partner for your media or if you are interested in buying or want to be a strategic partner of one of the electronic media.