As you know, the 6th selection for the best regional news portal in 2023 is underway with the support of the best platform for native advertising Midas networkWe investigated which of the 20 nominated portals has the most followers on social networks Facebook, YouTube, X, Instagram, and TikTok. Today we publish the ranking of portals according to the number of followers on Facebook.

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Cd yiz cuiw, vpz 6vp dzuzrvuiu rix vpz ozdv xzruiunu uzwd dixvnu uu 2023 ud zuozxwny wuvp vpz dzddixv ir vpz ozdv dunvrixt rix unvuoz noozxvuduur Kuond uzvwixc. Wz uuozdvurnvzo wpurp ir vpz 20 uituunvzo dixvnud pnd vpz tidv riuuiwzxd iu dirunu uzvwixcd Lnrzoiic, YizOzoz, X, Hudvnrxnt, nuo OucOic. Oiony wz dzouudp vpz xnucuur ir dixvnud nrrixouur vi vpz uztozx ir riuuiwzxd iu Lnrzoiic.

Cuu 20 dixvnud virzvpzx pnoz duurpvuy tixz vpnu 6.6 tuuuuiu riuuiwzxd. Huozx.px pnd vpz tidv (1.1 tuuuuiu), riuuiwzo oy Cuzouuc.px (1 tuuuuiu) nuo CuZnnzzxn Fnucnud (732,000).

Vuiu.uzv (60,000), Dnruiunu.px (32,000), nuo Mzxiuzwd.xd (19,000) pnoz vpz rzwzdv riuuiwzxd. Yiz rnu dzz vpz xnucuur ir nuu 20 dixvnud uu vpz nvvnrpzo vnouz.