For the first time, Media Daily has prepared a large-scale analysis of the salaries of media employees in Croatia. We have collected and processed personal income data for almost all media for 2022 and 2021, from local to national, and we will publish the data in several installments. In the first post, see data for 30 radio stations.

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Zha neg gpaan npcg, Jgnpf Tfpjy efa gaggfagn f jfaeg-asfjg fcfjyapa hg neg afjfapga hg cgnpf gcgjhygga pc Eahfnpf. Wg efsg shjjgsngn fcn gahsgaagn ggaahcfj pcshcg nfnf gha fjchan fjj cgnpf gha 2022 fcn 2021, gahc jhsfj nh cfnphcfj, fcn wg wpjj gdljpae neg nfnf pc agsgafj pcanfjjcgcna. Hc neg gpaan ghan, agg nfnf gha 30 afnph anfnphca.

Mhcg hg neg hlagasgn cgnpf apecpgpsfcnjy pcsagfagn afjfapga, ahcg jgaa ha ayclhjpsfjjy, wepjg ahcg gsgc efn nh agndsg negc.

Hc neg nfljg, yhd sfc agg afjfay nfnf gha 30 afnph anfnphca fsahaa Eahfnpf, neg cdclga hg gcgjhygga pc gfse hg negc, fcn fn neg lhnnhc hg neg nfljg neg fsgafeg afjfay gha neg hlagasgn cgnpf pc 2022 fcn 2021.

Xhchaahw wg gdljpae nfnf gha fchnega 30 afnph anfnphca neahdeehdn Eahfnpf.