Alisa Jovanović has been in the media for a long time. It all started on Studio B radio and very quickly became noticed for its good diction and radio voice. She also worked at Radio S for a while, but it was time to start a television career. Always well-prepared and well-groomed, she never allows herself to underestimate guests and spectators. She has also worked on the notable show Alisa but is currently looking for a new engagement. These are all reasons for this interview.

You are a lawyer by profession. When and where was the idea of entering the media waters born?

Law school was a logical choice when relatives and friends classify you as a good and skilled speaker. When you add extreme well-intentioned parental care from which the child will live tomorrow, then the choice is logical and inevitable. However, in practice, in my case, legal sciences provided me only with education but not with the profession I practice.

My first business steps started on the radio, and later everything I call my business successes followed.

How do you like today’s “formatted” radio stations where there is barely any discussion but a lot of music?

Today, all media and even radio have become such that they do everything just not to make you use your brain. They will entertain you, shorten your time, etc. but they will by no means deal with the essential questions of life. Once upon a time, the media had an educational role, so when you sit in front of the camera or microphone, you had to think carefully about what you were saying to those who listened to you because many of them knew more about many topics than you. The audience was appreciated. Today, based on each format, you can conclude which target group someone is addressing, how that someone imagines a consumer of content that works, and the answer imposes itself.

Where do you prefer to work, on television or radio?

Radio is a more relaxed and honest medium because there is not much pre-prepared content. TV, on the other hand, has a dimension that the radio lacks, so if the camera loves you, it’s a shorter way to the viewers. Often on television, people remember more what you wore and than what you said. Whether you look at it as an advantage or a disadvantage depends on you.

You gained TV experience at Pink, Happy, and Studio B. Where were you most comfortable working and why?

I grew up on TV Pink and stayed there the longest. This is where my first steps in front of the camera took place. This media house has a great approach to its employees, and people have a hard time deciding to leave them. I was on TV Happy for a very short time, and I would not comment on that, and on Studio B I had my show for a few years which was even named after me. It was a really good business relationship that marked my career. I am glad to have this media house in my CV as well.

On the Serbian media scene, whose media work do you appreciate the most and why?

There are a lot of journalists in our country who do their job with dedication and professionalism. I am inclined, however, and that is more a characteristic of my personality, and not a real situation, not to single out anyone in particular. I have never had role models, I think that everyone works the best they can. In addition to professionalism and talent, a journalist should also have a specific moral vertical by which he stands out and when I notice that in someone, I admit that I especially appreciate them.

You are currently unemployed and looking for work. What do you do when you’re not working?

Yes, I am currently waiting for a new engagement in the media, and in the meantime, I am doing PR, reading books, going through the sixth grade of elementary school with my daughter, and waiting for the time without covid 19 to come.

Are you still staying in the media business, or are you looking for other opportunities?

I will be in the media as much as there is room in them for what I do. If the audience shows some other expectations and wishes, I do not doubt that the media will fulfill them. Over the years, you learn to win only if you are focused on new opportunities and that by looking at the past you do not gain much.

I am ready for new challenges. Our own decision to succeed is always more important than any other.