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Tag: T-2

Telemach Slovenia, Garnol, T-2, Tomislav Čizmić, Jurij Krč, United Group,

Telemach buys T-2

Telemach Slovenia and Garnol (owner of T-2) have entered into an Agreement on the Intended Purchase and Sale of Business Shares in T-2, according...
20 largest telecom operators in Balkan, Telecom Serbia, Supernova, Croatian Telecom, Telecom Slovenia, Telemach Croatia, Telemach Bosnia and Herzegovina, Optima telecom, United group, Zagrebačka banka, T-2, JP HT, Yettel, A1 Serbia, A1 Croatia, Macedonian Telecom ,telekom, top lista telekoma,telemach, hrvatski telekom, telekom srbija, makedonski telekom, telenor, bh telekom, a1 telekom, top lista 20 telekom u 2020, broj zaposlenih u telekomu, ppodaci o prihodima telekoma 20 largest telecom operators, Telecom Serbia, Telecom Slovenia, Croatian Telecom, Yettel, BH Telecom, One Montenegro, Telemach Croatia, Optima telecom, Telecom Srpska, Telemach Slovenia, JP HT, A1 Serbia, A1 Slovenia, MTel MNG,T2 SLO, Telecom Serbia group, A1 group, Deutsche telecom group, 20 najvećih telekom operatera, Telekom Srbije, Telekom Slovenije, Hrvatski Telekom, Yettel, BH Telekom, One Montenegro, Telemach Hrvatska, Optima telekom, Telekom Srpske, Telemach Slovenija, JP HT, A1 Srbija, A1 Slovenija, MTel MNG,T2 SLO, Telekom Srbija grupa, A1 grupa, Deutsche telecom grupa,

TOP 20 TELECOM 2021; Telecom Serbia is the largest group in...

For the fifth year in a row, we publish data on the revenues, profits, and number of employees of the 20 largest telecom operators in...
Agency for the Protection of Market Competition, AVK, Pro plus, United Group, Sport Klub, Arena Sport,

United media announced a public offer for the distribution of 11...

For a while, Sportklub's channels were not available in the offers of the largest telecom operators, except in the proprietary Telemach, so United media decided on an unusual public...
Arena sport, Sportklub, Arena sport 1 Premium, Premier League, Telecom Slovenia, A1, T-2, SIKabel, Elta

Arena sport 1 Premium TV channel launched

The previous four Arena sport channels were not enough to fit all sports events into the weekend schedule, so another TV channel has just been launched. Arena...
IPTV, AKOS, pay TV technologies, digital cable TV, Telecom Slovenia, T-2, Telemach, A1 Slovenia

IPTV continues to grow in Slovenia

IPTV (Internet protocol television) continues to grow in Slovenia at the expense of other pay TV technologies. According to the published data of the regulator AKOS, in...

Arena sport 3 and 4 are starting

As we have already written, with the large purchase of sports TV rights, Arena sport has decided to launch two additional TV channels to be able to...

Looking back; Forget 2020 as soon as possible! (3)

Our looking back at 2020 continues with the third part for the period from the 7th to the 9th month. We released the first and second sequels on...

Looking back; Forget 2020 as soon as possible! (2)

Today we publish the second continuation of the recapitulation of the most important events in the media and telecom industry published on the Media...
20 largest telecom operators in Balkan, Telecom Serbia, Supernova, Croatian Telecom, Telecom Slovenia, Telemach Croatia, Telemach Bosnia and Herzegovina, Optima telecom, United group, Zagrebačka banka, T-2, JP HT, Yettel, A1 Serbia, A1 Croatia, Macedonian Telecom ,telekom, top lista telekoma,telemach, hrvatski telekom, telekom srbija, makedonski telekom, telenor, bh telekom, a1 telekom, top lista 20 telekom u 2020, broj zaposlenih u telekomu, ppodaci o prihodima telekoma 20 largest telecom operators, Telecom Serbia, Telecom Slovenia, Croatian Telecom, Yettel, BH Telecom, One Montenegro, Telemach Croatia, Optima telecom, Telecom Srpska, Telemach Slovenia, JP HT, A1 Serbia, A1 Slovenia, MTel MNG,T2 SLO, Telecom Serbia group, A1 group, Deutsche telecom group, 20 najvećih telekom operatera, Telekom Srbije, Telekom Slovenije, Hrvatski Telekom, Yettel, BH Telekom, One Montenegro, Telemach Hrvatska, Optima telekom, Telekom Srpske, Telemach Slovenija, JP HT, A1 Srbija, A1 Slovenija, MTel MNG,T2 SLO, Telekom Srbija grupa, A1 grupa, Deutsche telecom grupa,

Top list of telecoms in SE Europe for 2019

The time has come for our traditional top list of the 20 largest telecom companies in SE Europe for 2019. As in previous years,...

T-2 introduced new TV channels

T-2, the Slovenian IPTV and cable telecom operator, yesterday expanded its program offer with six new TV channels. They now offer more than 300...
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