

INSTANT or REGULAR subscriptions can be paid in the following ways:

  • Credit cards or PayPal:

One-time: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro /Cirrus, Amex, PayPal

A buyer who pays with a credit card or PayPal is automatically guided to secure SSL sites where they enter the necessary information. After you complete the payment, the subscription is automatically approved, and the access information is sent to your e-mail. You can cancel your REGULAR subscription at any time before the expiration of the subscription you previously selected, and it will no longer automatically renew. Unless you cancel your subscription, it will be automatically renewed for the same period until you cancel it.

REGULAR can also be paid by:

  • Internet banking or bank transfer:

Payment by internet banking or bank transfer is possible through any bank with which you do business. If you choose this form of payment, after confirming your order, our system will email you the payment information you need. All information must be entered correctly, and payment must be made within 3 days. Legal entities can also get, upon request, business invoice.

After payment is made and your status is verified, the administrator will automatically authorize you to use the portal according to the type of subscription you choose. This may take some time until payment is visible in our account, if the payment is made by transfer or internet banking, or if the payment is made outside the administrator’s office hours (Monday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm).

For any questions, feel free to contact us by pretplata@mediadaily.biz.

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