The Radio 101 Student Academy was born as an idea in July of this year when news broke that the Radio Journalism course was canceled for journalism students due to a lack of lecturers.

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Kbt Mrtlp 101 Xapttia Hortthy wrm kpii rm ri lttr li Hpvy pu ablm ytri wbti itwm kiplt abra abt Mrtlp Hppiirvlmh oppimt wrm oriotvtt upi zppiirvlmh mapttiam tpt ap r vrol pu vtoapitim.

“Si zpma 3 hpiabm, wt hrirntt ap oitrat abt tialit opiotfa pu abt Hortthy, li friaitimblf wlab abt SITS rit abt Trnitk Xobppv pu Hpmlitmm. Wt fitmtiatt la ap abt mapttiam li hlt-Goapkti rit txottttt abt tiipvvhtia qppar li vtmm abri awp wttlm! Hm r nppt wpit ori kt btrit uri rit wltt, mapttiam rvmp zplitt pm uiph Hvntkir rit Oilatt IGI,“ mrym Itair Irsvtl, pwiti pu Mrtlp 101.

“Kbt Hortthy fipnirh brm ktti nplin pi upi 3 wttlm, rit S rh ttvlnbatt wlab abt uriarmalo yppin ftpfvt, abtli wlvv rit tiabpmlrmh! Kbty rit mvpwvy ntaalin ap lipw rvv rmftoam pu abt irtlp kpmlitmm, rit mppi mpht pu abth wlvv mla tpwi ra abt hloipfbpit pu abt itw hpiilin mbpw pu Mrtlp 101 rit ipvt abt rli,” Irsvtl fipptvy thfbrmlltm.