• On this day in 1982, Radio Tivat began broadcasting in Tivat. Its first director was Mašo Čekić.
  • Radio Kotor officially started working on this day in 1987. Before that, from 4.7. in the same year, a three-month experimental program was broadcast for 5 hours a day. The first director and editor-in-chief was Todor Peković. 
  • The General Assembly of the United Nations, at its session in March 1996, proclaimed November 21 as World Television Day to emphasize the importance and value of the increased influence of television in drawing attention to the burning issues of today’s society. On that day, the first World Television Forum was held, where leading media professionals gathered to discuss the growing importance of television. 
  • On this day in 1996, the largest mass meeting was held in Croatia after independence, where, according to estimates, between 100 and 120 thousand people came to the defense of Radio 101. The meeting was preceded by an event that took place on November 20, when the Telecommunications Council made a political decision to grant a radio concession to Radio Globus 101, owned by Europapress Holding, instead of Radio 101.
  • On this day in 2005, music could be heard for the first time on the airwaves of Radio Terezija, the city’s radio station in Bjelovar, on 93.9 and 99.2 MHz.