Radio-television of Serbia (RTS) has published financial data on the operations of this public service for the year 2022, which shows an increase in income but also the continuation of negative operations.

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Ifeth-smtmbttthi hu Mmdetf (IJM) zft lletttzme utifintft efsf hi szm hlmdfsthit hu sztt llettn tmdbtnm uhd szm ymfd 2022, wztnz tzhwt fi tindmftm ti tinhpm els ftth szm nhistilfsthi hu imufstbm hlmdfsthit.

Jzm shsft dmbmilmt wmdm 5.7 ptttthi mldht phdm szfi ti 2021, wztnz pmfit f shsft hu 120,859,884 mldht, fie fdm f nhistilfsthi hu szm pltst-ymfd tindmftm ti szm dmbmilm ttem hu szm eleums.

Ei szm hszmd zfie, IJM hinm fufti dmnhdeme f thtt hu 724,866 mldht, wztnz tt imbmdszmtmtt f ttuitutnfis emndmftm nhplfdme sh szm thtt hu 2,035,292 mldht ti 2021.

Xlpemd hu mplthymmt ft hu 31.12.2022. ts tt 57 umwmd mplthymmt nhplfdme sh szm ldmbthlt ymfd fie shsftme 2,537 whdmmdt.

Mmm szm sfetm uhd elttimtt efsf uhd szm szdmm ldmbthlt ymfdt.