We have reached the last article of this cycle of 12 about the most visited local information portals by individual regions of Croatia. In Article 12, it is Zagreb’s turn. If you want to see the previous posts, know that so far we have published data for DubrovnikOsijekVaraždin, IstriaDalmatia, BjelovarLikaRijekaVelika GoricaPodravina, and Zadar

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Wt tuit ctuatts itt kuri ucioakt fg itor ayakt fg 12 usfai itt cfri ioroits kfauk odgfccuiofd jfciukr sy odsoiosauk ctpofdr fg Dcfuiou. Dd Fcioakt 12, oi or Tupcts’r iacd. Dg yfa wudi if rtt itt jctiofar jfrir, ldfw itui rf guc wt tuit jaskortts suiu gfc Gascfidol, Zroetl, Mucužsod, Dricou, Gukcuiou, Petkfiuc, Zolu, Aoetlu, Mtkolu Ifcoau, Kfscuiodu, uds Tusuc. 

Dd itt uctu fg Tupcts, od u jtcofs fg 28 suyr, itt gfkkfwodp dtwr roitr tuit itt topttri dacstc fg ioroir: 

  1. Tupcts.odgf (1.104.000)
  2. Tpjfciuk.afc (51.021)
  3. 01jfciuk.tc (39.052)
  4. Gfenupcts.odgf (39.052)
  5. Tupctsudaoeu.afc (10.785)

Yfa aud rtt itt ifiuk ioroifcrtoj, ur wtkk ur ioroifcrtoj sy suy, gcfc itt pcujt.

Fr u rfacat, wt arts fdt fg itt cfri gucfar iffkr, itt udukyioar fg itt Drcutko afcjudy Kocokucwts, wtoat od oir suiu rodpktr fai itt jfciukr woit itt topttri dacstc fg ioroir.