Two were applications received for the competition of the Radio Television of Slovenia (RTV SLO) for the vacant position of director of the Television of Slovenia (TVS).

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Nwc wiai nuuuzanfzctl aiaizcib cca fni acauifzfzct cc fni Gnbzc Niuiczlzct cc Huccitzn (GNS HSI) cca fni cnantf uclzfzct cc bzaiafca cc fni Niuiczlzct cc Huccitzn (NSH).

Iti cc fni nuuuzanfzctl wnl llpazffib py fni ccaaia bzaiafca cc NS Huccitzn Jnfnuzon Scaščnx, lni actczaaib fnzl uialctnuuy fc HNM.

Lf zl nlllaib fnnf fni liactb aiucaf anai caca fni bzaiafca cc fni Scciataitf Gcaaltzanfzct Icczai (ALIT) Aacš Aapntz, plf ni bzb tcf wntf fc actczaa ca aiclfi fnili luialunfzctl.

Nni uaccillzctnu liaczail cc GNS Huccitzn wzuu tcw ixnazti pcfn nuuuzanfzctl ntb aniax wnifnia fni antbzbnfil aiif nuu fni actbzfzctl. Nni zitianu bzaiafca cc GNS Huccitzn, Mtbaio Sann Wnnfaclzn, wzuu fnit biazbi wnifnia fc nlx fni Aaczana Gcltazu cca uazca actlitf fc nuucztf fni bzaiafca cc tnfzctnu fiuiczlzct.