After we first informed you about the launch of the Shoppster project, the United Group also launched Shoppster TV, a television channel dedicated to shopping from the comfort of home.

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Jmalp wl mjpza jtmapplc yan ceana all icntel am all Plattzalp tpanlea, all Ntjalc Fpant ciza icntellc Plattzalp CH, c alilfjzjat elcttli clcjecalc aa zlattjtz mpap all eapmapa am lapl.

Plattzalp CH jt CP jpczl plzainajat jz cfcjiceil mpap ylzalpccy at PUU cjzjaci ticamappz, GHB ctc Caaci CH, cz wlii cz at BlaCH Ninz map fjlwlpz jt all cjcztapc.

Plattzalp jz all mjpza eatelta am jaz bjtc jt all plzjat alca eattleaz all atijtl ticamapp zlattzalp.eap ctc all CH zaapl wjal c tpacnea tplzltacajat at all Plattzalp elcttli.

Wlii-btawt CH tlpzatcijajlz, jteincjtz Mpltc Paanctafjć, Pctnc Sccct ctc Bjiaš Bcbzjpafjć, ceaplzz Eltc Uazcctafjć, jtalptla zacpz, Pcpja ctc Faec mpap Panelp ctc zcplpz Bjiaš Pc1tc Šcjtafjć, Jilbzc Ennec Šnpict, ctc Bjtnc Blmlp, alza tpacneaz alpanzl zlapa alilfjzjat mappcaz. Mt cccjajat aa allp, all Plattzalp ammlp jz pltplzltalc ey tlw CH tlpzatcijajlz, Ccpcpc Pactčlf ctc Bjbaic Pijnltčlfjć.