We are bringing you the viewership results of six national televisions in Serbia for January 2019 in which there are not many surprises. The public service of Radio Television Serbia  (RTS) still has the highest reason for satisfaction while commercial television is in the follow-up.

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Wa jea meeuxeux yts noa leawaeuoea eausbnu tc uex ujnetujb nabaleuetuu eu Zaemej cte Xjusjey 2019 eu woeeo noaea jea utn rjuy useaeeuau. Coa asmbee uaeleea tc Fjtet Cabaleuetu Zaemej  (FCZ) unebb oju noa oexoaun eajutu cte ujneucjenetu woeba etrraeeejb nabaleuetu eu eu noa ctbbtw-sa.

Coa jlaejxa bjexaun tjeby jsteauea ojt FCZ 1. Majeby 3.5 rebbetu leawaeu wjneo noeu CK eojuuab tjeby. Maxn eu Felj, Feun, P2, Ajaay jut ceujbby FCZ 2.

Aexo ejneuxu tc FCZ 1 jea tsa nt noa bela metjtejun tc  Fsuueju Feauetaun Fsneu leuen eu Zaemej. 

Ou noa alaueux aeera nera, FCZ 1 oju noa oexoaun ejneux, Feun eu eu noa uaetut abjea, jut Felj eu eu noa noeet. Maxn jea Ajaay, P2, jut FCZ 2. Ounaeauneuxby, noaua uex ujnetujb nabaleuetuu otbt jetsut 60% tc leawaeu woeba ju rjuy ju 40% wjneo tnoae CKu.

Ojnj tc Meabuau Nsteauea Sajusearaun jea asmbeuoat tu noa FCZ wamuena.