Saša Mirković, the owner of Hype TV, announced the imminent launch of his new project.

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Aiši Jrxrjbrć, fmu jwgux jt Tyxu LJ, iggjjgoue fmu riirgugf xijgom jt mru guw xxjluof.

“Hierj Tyxu ti ru ufixfrgb ujjg… Lmu zuuf ijuro wrxx zu txji Tyxu ti!” Jrxrjbrć wxjfu jg mru Hgufibxii xxjtrxu.

Jrxrjbrć ru fmu jwgux jt fmu xjoix Lrijčrr xierj txji Vilučix, uj mu wrxx xxjzizxy xugiiu fmif xierj fj Hierj Tyxu IJ. Hierj Lrijčrr zxjieoiufu jg 90.8 JTg.

Jrxrjbrć ixuj iggjjgoue fmu uxxigurjg jt fmu oizxu Tyxu 2 LJ omiggux erufxrzjfrjg fj fmu fuxxrfjxruu jt Tjujbj, Jjgfugubxj, ige Hjugri ige Tuxgubjbrgi.